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Saturday 17 November 2012

Salat Ul Awwabin:

After performing the fard and sunnah of Maghrib, one may perform from 6 to a maximum of 20 rak’ât nafl. This prayer has been called as Awwâbîn. (This name is sometimes also applied to the morning prayer.)

The Prophet ( saws) reportedly said:

“Whoever prays, after the Maghrib, six rak’ât without talking of anything indecent in between them, it would be equivalent to twelve years of worship for him.” [M1173, from Tirmidhi]

“The one who prays twenty rak’ât after Maghrib- Allâh will build for him a house in Paradise.” [M-1174, from Tirmidhi]

if u want to perform six (6) rakah read 2 x 3=6
if u want to perform eight (8) rakah read 2 x 4=8
if u want to perform ten (10) rakah read  2 x 5=10
continue the above procedure for more rakahs but maximum rakah is 20..

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